Nutritious Staple Foods 5 Delicious Ways!

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Nutritious Staple Foods 5 Delicious Ways!

Chelsey Chelsey2

What are those foods that always make it on your weekly grocery list? Eggs, milk, bread…

Below are 7 foods worth stocking up on. They each have unique nutritional benefits and can be a great part of a balanced diet. They can be conveniently utilized in various meals and snacks and are budget friendly!

Sweet Potatoes (store in a cool dry place up to 1 week)

Nutritional highlights: Excellent source of Vitamin A important for normal vision, the immune system, reproductive health and helps many of our organs work properly. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin so utilize a small amount of a healthy fat when cooking. Plus: a great source of fiber and potassium.

Ways to enjoy:

Salmon (fresh, frozen, canned, packaged)

Nutritional highlights: Excellent source of Poly-unsaturated omega 3 fats (EPA and DHA) important for heart health, brain development and function, and decreasing inflammation. Plus: a great source of protein! Check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch tool to learn the best salmon to choose.

Ways to enjoy:

Frozen Berries (store in freezer up to 4 months)

Nutritional highlights: Packed with phytochemicals, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and folate, berries are a nutritional powerhouse. Utilize fresh when they are in season, but frozen berries can be utilized year round and are just as nutritious.

Ways to enjoy:

Chickpeas (low sodium or no salt added canned)

Nutritional highlights: Excellent source of protein and fiber, both important for controlling hunger, promoting a healthy body weight, and controlling blood sugars. 1 serving is a ½ cup and provides 6 grams protein and 7 grams fiber.

Ways to enjoy:

Oats (quick cooking, steel cut, old-fashioned)

Nutritional highlights: Excellent source of soluble fiber for healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Plus: a good source of protein and iron.

Ways to enjoy:


Nutritional highlights: A gluten free whole grain that is a complete source of protein. Plus: a good source of fiber, iron, and calcium. Make sure to get pre-rinsed quinoa and give it a quick rinse before cooking to remove the slightly bitter natural coating.

Ways to enjoy:


Nutritional highlights: Excellent source of potassium important for blood pressure, heart health, and helps many other organs work properly.

Ways to enjoy:

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